



濾芯過濾器( 保安、精密過濾器)是一種高精度的過濾裝置,主要由殼體和濾芯組成。產品主要用于前置處理,廣泛用于電子行業、污水處理、飲料、食品、純水處理等領域,也可用做家庭凈水器使用。

HPCF cartridge filter is a filter system wish high precision. It consists of the housing and cartridge elements, mainly used in pretreatment. It can be widely used in electronic industry, sewage treatment,beverage, foods, pure water treatment, also it can acts as home water purification equipment.



最高工作溫度: 45℃,頂蓋上預留的排氣閥及壓力表安裝孔的螺紋尺寸為: G1/4" ,配公制壓力表需要訂購轉接頭。

It can install all material; all precision's cartridge 5 PCS or 3 PCS, which I.D. is 28-30mm, O.D.is 60-70mm.

The highest working temperature is 45℃, The size of the two holes in the lid of the filter is G1/4". If the thread of the pressure gauge is metric standard, should add an adaptor.


產品優勢/Product Merits

  • 1、本過濾器采用UPVC材質,部件一次成型,標準化生產,更換、維修方便。

  • 2、本過濾器進出水口在同一水平直線,連接有1.5” 或2”的由令接頭,視覺美觀、整齊。

  • 3、過濾器布水采用從過濾器底部中心往上向四周均勻布水,濾芯受沖擊阻力小;頂部裝有排氣閥,便于過濾器中空氣排出。

  • 4、過濾器底部系統與頂部濾芯定位壓緊板均采用一體式設計,濾芯的安裝并壓緊既容易又可避免內漏現象。

  • 5、A款過濾器封蓋與本體連接采用寬螺紋連接密封,既確保過濾器完好的密封性能,又給更換濾芯的拆裝帶來了方便和快捷。B 款過濾器采用吊環螺絲法蘭式密封,使過濾器能承受更大壓力。

  • 6、過濾器為UPVC材質成型,具有較強的耐腐蝕性,能用于不銹鋼不能代替的化工行業,更能體現它的經濟價值和實用價值。

  • 1.All the parts of this series filters are made of UPVC material.

  • 2.The inlet and outlet are in the same line, which connected with the pipe is adopta 1.5”or a 2”union.

  • 3.The distribution system of HPCF filters is distributed from bottom to top. Water is well-proportioned with small strike to cartridges and air is easy to be discharged.

  • 4.The bottom system of HPCF filter is designed together as a whole with the top localizer & closure system.Catridges are easy to be installed, push down and closed, preventing leaking inside.

  • 5.A series: The lid and the body are connected by a nut. Ensure a good seal performance.B series: The lid and the body are connected using eyebolts flange method, ensure the filter can stand higher pressure.

  • 6.HPCF filter is corrosion resistant, It can be used in SS-none-replace field .

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